53 research outputs found

    Analyse de l'effet d'âge et du sexe sur l'utilisation des symboles graphiques

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    La suppléance à la communication (SC) est un moyen qui permet aux personnes qui ne peuvent pas communiquer par la parole de transmettre des informations à leur environnement et d'interagir de manière fonctionnelle avec lui. Le développement de la SC connaît des avancées importantes depuis quelques années, surtout avec l'avènement de nouvelles technologies. Toujours est-il qu'une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes qui sous-tendent l'utilisation de la SC reste primordiale. De plus, les relations qui existent entre l'utilisation du langage oral et de symboles graphiques sont peu explorées à ce jour. La présente étude fait partie d'un projet plus large visant donc à mieux explorer la nature des compétences nécessaires à une utilisation optimale de symboles graphiques dans la SC. Ainsi, et afin de mieux comprendre cette relation entre le langage oral et l'utilisation de symboles graphiques aussi bien en production qu'en compréhension, ainsi que pour mieux explorer l'effet d'âge et de genre, nous avons recruté 79 enfants (37 filles et 42 garçons), âgés entre 4;1 ans et 9;11ans, et qui présentent un développement typique du langage. L'étude du développement typique nous permet d'étudier certaines habiletés qui peuvent être difficiles à évaluer chez des enfants présentant des déficits sévères. Les sujets ont été répartis en 3 groupes selon leur âge: groupe 4-5 ans (n=26), groupe 6-7 ans (n=35) et groupe 8-9 ans (n=18). Plusieurs tâches ont été crées; celles-ci comprenaient des tâches de compréhension et de production, avec comme matériel des symboles graphiques, des objets ou des mots, qui étaient répartis au sein d'énoncés formés de trois, quatre, six ou huit éléments. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord deux profils distincts: chez les jeunes enfants, on observe une meilleure performance aux tâches d'interprétation par rapport aux tâches de production. Cependant, cette différence n'est plus évidente pour les groupes des plus âgés, et la distinction principale se situe alors au niveau de la différence de performance entre les tâches orales et les tâches symboliques au profit des premières. Par ailleurs, et conformément aux observations sur le développement du langage oral, la performance des filles est supérieure à celle des garçons à toutes les tâches, et cette différence semble disparaître avec l'âge. Enfin, nos résultats ont permis de montrer une amélioration plus marquée de la maîtrise du langage oral avec l'âge par comparaison à la maîtrise du traitement du symbole graphique. Par contre, l'interprétation et la production semblent être maîtrisées de manière similaire. Notre étude vient appuyer certains résultats rapportés dans la littérature, ainsi qu'élargir les connaissances surtout au niveau des liens qui existent entre la production et l'interprétation orale et symbolique en fonction de l'âge et du genre.Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is used by people who cannot communicate through speech to transmit information to their environment and interact functionally with it. AAC has seen significant advances in recent years, especially with the advent of new technologies. Nevertheless, a more thorough understanding of the mechanisms underlying the use of AAC remains crucial. In addition, the relationships between the use of oral language and graphic symbols are little explored to date. This study is part of a larger project aiming to explore the nature of skills underlying the optimal use of graphic symbols in AAC. Accordingly, and in order to better understand this relationship between spoken language and the use of graphic symbols both in production and in comprehension, as well as to explore the effect of age and gender on this relationship, we recruited 79 children (37 girls and 42 boys) aged between 4:1 and 9:11 years, with typical language development. The study of typical development allows us to explore certain skills that can be difficult to evaluate in children with severe deficits. Participants were divided into 3 groups according to age: 4-5 years (n = 26), 6-7 years (n = 35) and 8-9 years (n = 18). Several tasks were created; these included comprehension and production tasks, using graphic symbols, objects or words, in utterances consisting of three, four, six or eight elements. First, the results showed two distinct profiles: in young children, the main distinction fell on the interpretation-production axis, regardless of the task. However, this difference is less obvious for the older age groups, with the distinction falling on the oral-graphic symbols axis. In addition, and in accordance with observations made for oral language development, the performance of girls was higher than the performance of boys in all tasks, and this difference seemed to become less significant with age. Finally, our results showed that oral language is better mastered than graphic symbols with age, whereas the difference between the interpretation and production tends to disappear. Our study supports results reported in the literature, and widens our knowledge on the relationship between oral and symbolic production and interpretation according to age and gender

    Cartografias sociais e território

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    Cartografias sociais e territórioHenri Acselrad (Org.),IPPUR/UFRJ, 2008

    Na floresta da cidade: experiências de mapeamentos sociais de indígenas na Amazônia urbana

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    O artigo discute experiências de mapeamentos participativos ou de mapeamentos sociais elaborados por populações tradicionais, indígenas em particular, que utilizam novas tecnologias de mapeamento na produção de cartografias sociais. O material analisado é parte das atividades realizadas no âmbito do Projeto Nova Cartografia Social da Amazônia – PNCSA, consolidadas em fascículos que sintetizam o processo de elaboração e apresentam os mapeamentos produzidos por distintos grupos ou comunidades. Foram escolhidas para a análise as experiências de mapeamentos realizados por indígenas inseridos em cidades da Amazônia. As oficinas de mapeamentos sociais com atuação dos indígenas trazem elementos significativos para o entendimento de sua inserção na cidade, de sua apreensão do espaço urbano, bem como de estratégias de reprodução social que a vida em cidades ensejam. Resultam da elaboração dos automapeamentos reivindicação por terra e territórios bem como de outros direitos, especialmente no contexto urbano em que demandas de afirmação identitária emergem. Assim, processos de automapeamento tem promovido praticas de reconhecimento e políticas públicas para demandas de grupos específicos. As oficinas de automapeamentos dos indígenas apontam para usos inéditos das tecnologias de mapeamento social, para seu potencial de elaboração e reforço de identidades étnicas e para o reconhecimento da heterogeneidade que as cidades amazônicas encerram


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo mapear como as práticas com a bola foram sendo apropriadas em diferentes recortes temporais até se configurar na produção do Futebol como é estruturado na sociedade contemporânea. Para o entendimento da formatação e construção do futebol e de seus praticantes baseou-se em uma análise de inspiração Genealógica Foucaultiana. Como parte dos resultados, foi possível perceber os discursos político-econômico-sociais contribuíram para a produção do futebol perpassando a esfera atlética e se imbricando em diretrizes executivas governamentais. Da mesma maneira, o atleta se configura em um sujeito com múltiplas especialidades para dar conta das exigências envolvidas nos deveres produzidos pelo discurso da profissionalização

    Decompressive Hemicraniectomy: Predictors and Functional Outcome In Patients With Ischemic Stroke

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    BACKGROUND Patients presenting with large ischemic strokes may develop uncontrollable, progressive brain edema that risks compression of brain parenchyma and cerebral herniation.1 Edema that does not respond to medical treatment necessitates decompressive hemicraniectomy (DH) as a life-saving procedure. The functional outcome of patients is uncertain and the patient’s family is presented with the difficult decision of intervention with DH. While the functional outcome of patients is not worsened by DH,2 neurological deficit is likely as a result of initial large-territory ischemia. The correlation of specific clinical variables preceding DH to patient outcome helps inform clinicians and families about prognosis.3 This study identifies an array of clinical variables in patients who underwent DH for ischemic stroke in order to investigate potential predictors of functional outcome. METHOD A total of 1,624 subjects that underwent any type of craniectomy from 2006 to 2014 were retrospectively screened via electronic medical record. The specific selection criterion was DH secondary to ischemic stroke involving the middle cerebral artery (MCA), internal carotid artery (ICA), or both. Subjects were excluded if they underwent craniectomy for any reason other than DH for ischemic stroke; or if the MCA or ICA were not implicated. The clinical variables that were collected may be divided into pre-DH and post-DH. The pre-DH variables involve patient demographics and past medical history, in addition to clinical variables during the period of presentation and clinical management leading up to DH. The post-DH variables describe the in-patient recovery period and discharge status. The primary outcome was functional status assessed by the Modified Rankin Scale (MRS) score at 90 days post-DH. The MRS ranges from 0 (no symptoms) to 6 (death) with intermediate values (1-5) representing increasing functional and cognitive disability

    Isolation and characterization of 25 microsatellite DNA loci for Anopheles albitarsis sensu lato and inter-specific amplification in 5 congeneric species.

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    The Anopheles albitasis complex includes 6 species, and 3 are considered as malaria vectors in Brazil. Twenty-five polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci were isolated and characterized in 24-36 individuals from the neighborhood of Puraquequara, Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. The number of estimated alleles ranged from 2 to 10, the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.182 to 0.897, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.260 to 0.854. Eleven loci showed significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Eleven loci were cross-amplified successfully in 5 Anopheles species. These microsatellite loci will be useful in studies investigating population structure and evolutionary genetics in A. albitarsis sensu lato and other A. albitarsis complex species